2nd international network event - Safe the date
The 2nd international EQui-T networking event will take place on 26 February 2025 from 16:00-18:00 (CET).
Teachers and other stakeholders in the field of schools, inclusion and Open Educational Resources (OER) are invited to attend.
A keynote speech on OER and inclusion is planned, as well as the opportunity to exchange ideas in the national networks (Austria, Italy, Spain, Estonia and Norway).
If you are interested, please register by 23 February 2025 at the latest by sending an email to Veronika Ruhry: v.ruhry(at)phst.at .
We look forward to meeting you!
Nachlese zum 1. internationalen Netzwerktreffen am 11.12.2024
The first EQui-T international networking event took place on 11 December.
The networking event was attended by teachers and other stakeholders in the field of schools, inclusion and Open Educational Resources (OER) from our partner countries.
After a warm welcome by Caroline Breyer (PHSt) and a short introduction by the project lead Barbara Gasteiger-Klicpera (Uni Graz) there were two exciting keynote speeches by Martin Ebner (TU Graz) on 'Open Educational Resources for Learning' and David Wohlhart (Wohlhart Lernsoftware, ehem, PPH Augustinum) on ‘Inclusive teaching - Concepts and Connections with Digital Scaffolding’. Afterwards, the participants took the opportunity to exchange ideas in the national networks (Austria, Italy, Spain, Estonia and Norway).
We would like to thank the speakers for the inspiring presentations and all participants for the stimulating exchange.
We look forward to seeing you again in 2025, where we will continue with equally interesting keynotes and discussions on OER and inclusion.
Our 2nd networking event will take place on 26 February 2025.
Please send your registration by email to Veronika Ruhry: v.ruhry(at)phst.at by 23 February 2025.